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  • #3 result in Google when searching for “Free Knitting Patterns”
  • #1 result in Google when searching for “Yarn Shop Directory”
  • #2 result in Google when searching for “Local Knitting Clubs”
  • #1 result in Google when searching for “Yarn Companies”
  • #1 result in Google when searching for “Knitting Articles”
  • #1 result in Yahoo when searching for “Yarn Shop Directory”
  • #1 result in Yahoo when searching for “Local Knitting Clubs”
  • #1 result in Bing when searching for “Yarn Shop Directory”
  • #4 result in Bing when searching for “Free Knitting Patterns”
  • Listed in the Google directory under Knitting Magazines

All statistics as of February 1, 2011

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Prices effective July 1, 2010

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